为什么女人老是想那个 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 科幻片 中国 2009

导演: 朱雅琼   


  The main character is Dr. Max Holst, a successful neurosurgeon. One day an intense little man named Steinmetz shows up, who has the real ability to create objects out of thin air, using only his mind. As no one believes him at first, he is held at a ward for mental patients, but manifests the key to his door and escapes. As he has a special interest in Dr. Holst, Steinmetz subsequently invites Holst to his large mansion, which is full of expensive paintings and sculptures, and proves to him that he can in fact materialise objects. Steinmetz’s abilities are evolving by leaps and bounds, and is progressing from being able to create objects only to being able to create living things. His ultimate ambition is to be able to create a human being. He tells Dr. Holst that if he will only perform a certain brain operation on him, Steinmetz will become able to attain his goal. He’s got all the necessary equipment set up in his basement. Dr. Holst, however, is too spooked by the whole thing to agree to this mad scheme, and refuses. Steinmetz then sets about manipulating Holst’s life, to pressure him into performing the operation. By then Steinmetz has become able to create a temporary human being, and in the hope that he can perhaps make his own creation perform the operation, he manifests a doppelganger of Dr. Holst. This double proceeds to take over Dr. Holst’s life, creating chaos for him professionally and personally. And then Dr. Holst starts fighting back. The ending has the dual virtue of being both unexpected and satisfying.


  • 戏冬易 3小时前 :


  • 明嫔然 8小时前 :


  • 卫海全 8小时前 :

    911 20周年纪念, 同名百老汇托尼奖音乐剧电影版,诙谐与感动充斥于歌词与音乐中。。。(* ̄︶ ̄)

  • 慎博敏 8小时前 :

    感觉一般般吧,只有welcome to the rock比较好听。没有hamilton的前半部分好看。三星半

  • 卫杰涛 3小时前 :


  • 勇乐心 8小时前 :


  • 庾天晴 2小时前 :


  • 井涵畅 1小时前 :


  • 官敏才 5小时前 :


  • 尧睿明 0小时前 :

    比想象的欢乐,虽然有些笑点没get到。基于911背景的真实故事,又是疫情期间百老汇恢复的第一次演出,现实意义远大于内容。作为一部音乐剧,感觉唱段有点少,也没有太令人印象深刻的曲子。机长的高音真是又稳又轻松,Diane那段I'm here也很棒

  • 姚德辉 6小时前 :


  • 婧枫 7小时前 :


  • 博翰 5小时前 :

    非常美式正确的剧,Me and Sky里面 'Be Patient. Just see what happens.'

  • 尔逸美 2小时前 :

    上海版:come from near 邻里关系的重建和冷漠疫情政策形成鲜明对比

  • 妫明旭 7小时前 :


  • 休山芙 1小时前 :


  • 无嘉庆 3小时前 :


  • 凌璐 3小时前 :

    it's all about recovery and salvation. 能够关照到911之后第二天的日子和远离纽约的加拿大小镇 这个视角太绝了 人文关怀就是如此。当初在伦敦没能看到现场版太可惜了 演员们的转场和角色切换就几乎在一秒之间 情绪拿捏得恰到好处 this is the stage energy

  • 凡呈 9小时前 :


  • 卫家玲 7小时前 :



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