两女用胸互顶小说 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 喜剧片 内地 1990

导演: 龚蓓苾   


  这是Richard Lester最好的一个片。
  An absurdist classic
  This is a wonderful surreal comedy based on the play by Spike Milligan and John Antrobus. You know that it is going to be an odd film right at the beginning, when the opening credits list the cast in order of their height. The film begins with the BBC (Frank Thornton) telling us through the facade of an old television that this is the third, or is it the fourth?, anniversary of the shortest war in history, lasting 2 hours and 28 minutes. England is now a barren landscape, littered with derelict cars and buildings, hills of old boots, broken crockery, and other debris. Forty million people perished and there are only 20 known survivors. The Queen did not survive, and of the 20 known survivors the next in line for the throne is a Mrs Ethel Schroake of 393a High Street, Leytonstone. Among the other survivors are Ralph Richardson (O Lucky Man!) as Lord Fortnum of Alamein, who isn't looking forward to his impending mutation into a bed sitting room. Michael Hordern is Bules Martin, who wears a 18-carat Hovis bread ring. Spike Milligan is a postman who wanders around and delivers some memorable dialogue, for example: "And in come the three bears - the daddy bear said, 'Who's been sleeping in my porridge?' - and the mummy bear said, 'that's no porridge, that was my wife' ". Arthur Lowe is slowly turning into a parrot (which is then eaten by Spike Milligan), while his wife, the owner of her own death certificate, turns into a wardrobe. His daughter is pregnant with a strange creature, which she has held inside her for seventeen months. Peter Cook and Dudley Moore are a pair of policemen who perpetually tell the others to "keep moving!". Moore growls a lot and turns into a dog at the end. Marty Feldman is a wellington-boot-wearing nurse. It's a hilarious, absurdist treat, and one of my treasured filmic pleasures.


  • 籍晓啸 7小时前 :


  • 颜奥雅 2小时前 :


  • 谭梦菡 7小时前 :

    Gory, gruesome, grotesque, 母题够宏大了,但没对白真的看着挺累的。

  • 郭璞瑜 7小时前 :

    三蛛同框纯粹为了卖情怀 故事逻辑却得依靠为了推动而推动 一场主角圣母心引发的破坏 这种刻意开头质量都不怎么样 心思全都放在映前的营销上 就是不肯干点正紧事好好打磨故事 不过说回来 全世界忘记彼得帕克之后的部分拍得还是不错 英雄的孤寂有拍出来

  • 紫楚楚 1小时前 :


  • 莘问筠 6小时前 :


  • 茜枫 1小时前 :

    两年后再看这个系列,我只看到漫威举着个手榴弹怒目圆瞪,大喊:“这钱我赚了,这电影的情怀我也卖了,还玩尬的是吧!直 接 来 吧!”

  • 贯琴音 0小时前 :


  • 飞畅然 7小时前 :


  • 耿碧玉 5小时前 :


  • 盖如馨 5小时前 :


  • 温嘉懿 2小时前 :


  • 犁诗蕊 3小时前 :


  • 迮晗雨 6小时前 :

    Willem Dafoe演戏成精了 前一秒邪魔疯癫 后一秒迷茫纯良 此人也是传奇 做过绿魔 给海王当过老师 和蝙蝠侠一起守望过灯塔 还是John Wick的好战友 回到电影 真挺一般的 第一幕暗黑到不行 第二幕又落入俗套 开始卖情怀 情怀是可以肯定的 但不能作为唯一爆点 凑活收了个尾 接入多重宇宙 凑凑合合 我更多希望看Peter和MJ把戏外的恋爱带到戏里来谈

  • 鸿栀 0小时前 :


  • 馨凡 6小时前 :


  • 谌雁凡 7小时前 :

    漫威在复联4之后最好的作品,各方面都非常出色,尤其视觉效果,满分,非常酷炫。本片也是漫威第一次引出平行宇宙概念,前两代蜘蛛侠出现的时候真想欢呼,但其实我没蜘蛛侠情怀。漫威为了引出这个概念强行把小蜘蛛变得圣母确实招人讨厌,虽然可以说他只是个好心的孩子。三蛛同框大战前作反派的同时也埋了多个前作梗让人会心一笑,比如最有名的my back梗,还有一代报社老板在播新闻,还有三部都有的女主坠楼,只是这次接到了。影片把本叔叔的作用转移到了梅姨身上,去世令帕克成长,也终于说出蜘蛛侠系列最著名的那句“能力越大责任越大”。漫威利用三部曲让帕克真正成长起来,全世界都忘记了他,但他蜕变成为了可以独当一面的孤胆英雄蜘蛛侠。片尾漫画很喜欢。彩蛋引出毒液进入MCU。整体来说,一部有笑点有嗨点有泪点的爆米花电影。8.5分。

  • 笪秋彤 8小时前 :


  • 西门浦和 4小时前 :

  • 阿听春 8小时前 :



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